Labai mėgstu medaus tortus ir nusprendžiau pati pasigaminti. Ir ne šiaip sau, o vestuvių proga:) Po vestuvių dar du kartus gaminau ir visi kartai buvo sėkmingi. Labai ačiū AJ mamai už receptą.
Pridedu ir anglišką vertimą, nes jau gavau prašymų pasidalinti receptu.
Cake 26 cm. diameter,
100 gr. butter
200 ml sugar
2 tablespoons honey
baking powder (for 500 g flour, usually one package)
800 ml flour
2 eggs
1 liter of fat sour cream (20-30%) (creme fraiche)
5 tablespoons powdered sugar
4 tablespoons lemon juice
1.5 tablespoons gelatin
Cakes. Melt sugar, butter and honey in a pot, which is inside another pot with boiling water. Stir constantly, and boil, until the mass is homogeneous and the sugar dissolves. Then let the mass cool but don't let it become completely cold - it must be warm. Add eggs, stir well. Add flour and baking powder, knead until dough is soft and has the consistency of plasticine.
Divide the dough into 5 parts. Every piece is rolled out. If the dough sticks to the pin, sprinkle a little flour. Disc diameter must be larger than 26 cm. Baked dough pieces left after cutting out the disc of 26 cm diameter will be crumbled and used for decoration of the cake. Cake comes out very thin - and so must be, it will rise nicely. Bake in a preheated 200 C oven for 3-4 minutes, until nicely brown. Cut the disc out of the baked cake immediately. It is soft and easy to cut as long, as it is hot.
Cream. Mix sour cream with icing sugar, lemon juice (adjust the amount according to your taste). Prepare gelatine according to the instructions on the package and add to the cream. Leave it for a while.
Collection. Put some of the cream on each cake. There should be enough cream on the sides of the cake as well. I also put some cream on the very top of the cake. Then disperse crumbles on the top and on the sides of the cake and leave it in refrigerator at least for a night.
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